If you aren’t making use of video in your efforts to get more leads, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful tools available today. Using video in social media efforts is perfect for capturing the attention of your target audience. In turn, funneling people into your company’s purchase cycle.
A great deal of research has made it clear that video is one of the most popular forms of content for capturing and maintaining user interest. Here are several ways you can make effective use of video to enhance your lead generation.
Landing pages
The ultimate purpose of a landing page is to convert a potential customer into an actual customer. Before you can even get anyone to the ‘potential’ stage, it’s necessary to get their attention. Consider these points about your landing page video:
- Video is 12 times more likely to be viewed than text content is to be read. The most effective way to use video on a landing page is in conjunction with a call to action (CTA), which you can strategically place near the end of the video.
- The whole point of your CTA should be to engage the user in some action, such as downloading a guide or an e-book – anything that increases their commitment to your brand.
- Don’t want to place the CTA directly in the video? Redirect viewers to another portion of the landing page or to a contact form. Place your request info and that will provide you with a lead.
High-value content
High-value content videos are educational or instructive in nature, like webinars which provide significant benefit to viewers. These videos have a powerful appeal, so it’s both convenient and worthwhile to include your lead capture mechanism in the video, as part of the presentation.
- By having users fill out a contact or subscription form before viewing the presentation, you’ll capture the lead on the front side. The only drawback to this strategy is that viewers will need to be convinced of its value before they become interested in viewing.
- Content on your website, or social media, can be used to alert users to the video. This effectiveness makes webinars one of the best methods for acquiring leads on the Internet, and it’s a strategy you should be using.
Demo videos
Some of the most popular kinds of videos are demo videos and product description videos. If used properly, these can generate an enormous amount of information about your target audience. You can use this data later for lead generation.
- It’s not a good idea to make any lead capture attempt in the video itself. This is likely to put off viewers.
- Videos can be used interactively to learn all about potential customers. (e.g.: types of technology they use, vendors they work with, and pain points.)
- You can also include survey questions. These help to flesh out potential customer profiles so that follow-up contacts can be more focused and personalized.
The Bottom Line
Video is one of the most attention-getting and persuasive forms of media you can use for lead generation. Make sure to include it in your strategic marketing initiatives.

Author: Mike Gingerich, President of web firm Digital Hill, Co-Founder of TabSite .
Digital and Social Media Marketer, Speaker, and Business Consultant. Part geek, part marketer, total digital junkie! Seeking to add value, make the complex simple, and leave a positive impact.
Follow me on twitter: @mike_gingerich.